About Company


Phoenitron Holdings is a listed conglomerate company in Hong Kong. The company’s mission is to provide an optimum steam of steady income and gains for its investors by best leveraging the company’s access to capital and unique investment opportunities. Phoenitron is comprised of three primary business segments,including smartcard manufacturing services; financial consulting; and recycled resources investments. The company is based in Hong Kong, with primary holdings and investments located throughout greater China.

Business Segments

Smartcard Manufacturing Services

Phoenitron Holdings is a listed conglomerate company in Hong Kong. The company’s mission is to provide an optimum steam of steady income and gains for its investors by best leveraging the company’s access to capital and unique investment opportunities. Phoenitron is comprised of three primary business segments,including smartcard manufacturing services; financial consulting; and recycled resources investments. The company is based in Hong Kong, with primary holdings and investments located throughout greater China.

Financial Consulting

Phoenitron provides financing assistance to its subsidiary companies to address their capital expansion needs and to facilitate international business expansion. The company also actively seeks new investment opportunities for the company where Phoenitron can leverage its listed company experience to guide promising private companies to expand and and to improve their access to capital. The goal is to optimize Phoenitron’s long-term income and growth prospects for its shareholders……